Your direct line to HTS
For all questions and concerns about our company, our products or services, we are at your disposal. Call us or write us – we are happy to help you.
HTS Direct Limited,
Unit 18 Emerald Way, Stone Business Park, Stafford, ST15 OSR, UK
Tel.: 01785 816747
Fax: 01785 819 878
Email: sales@htsdirect.com
Read our privacy policy here >
(Please read the information on the use of the data marked with ** at the bottom of this page)
** Consent to the use of data and privacy policy
We take the protection of your personal data and their confidential treatment very seriously. With these privacy notices, we’d like to let you know when we save what data and how we use it.
I would like to be informed about new products, events and offers from HTS in the future. Therefore, I agree that my data given here are managed and stored by HTS GmbH in a central database. In addition, I agree that HTS GmbH, HTS Direct Limited, HTS direkt AG and HTS direct, LLC as well as – in whose name and order – commissioned service providers merge this data with other data from HTS GmbH.
In addition, I agree that the above companies may use and contact me for these purposes (including telephone numbers and e-mail) for individual customer and prospect care, customer satisfaction surveys, and product or product-related services information from HTS.
>I can revoke a given consent at any time with a short message to
HTS Direct Limited, Unit 18 Emerald Way, Stone Business Park, Stafford, ST15 OSR, UK
Tel: 01785 816747
Fax: 01785 819 878
Email: sales@htsdirect.com